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What's new in 1.3.0
June 26th, 2021


First of all you may have noticed that the game got de-listed on Steam for a couple of weeks.
There was a copyright strike against me, but luckily the issue now got resolved and I have papers to prove that I do indeed own the game I made.

This is a technical update:

- Added Italian language (made by Andrea Di Stefano).

- Fixed issues with special characted not displaying correctly.

- Improved 4K support: at first (clean) launch the game will start at full screen and adjust UI size automatically based on screen resolution. 'Big screen' option now goes higher (so you can manually set UI to be bigger than before).

- You can now zoom in closer and zoom out farther.

Please let me know if something's broken (info@hearthlands.com)!

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What's new in 1.2.2
October 1st, 2020


This is another technical update:

- Window can be minimized by pressing F11

- Option for fullscreen window to be automatically minimized if focus is lost

- Option for locking mouse cursor to the screen (in fullscreen mode with multiple monitors)

- Fixed mouse scrolling on MacOS

- Upgraded to LWJGL 3.2.3

Please let me know if something's broken (info@hearthlands.com)!

In other news, Elsewhere 0.1.3 is coming soon. Here's a little teaser:


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What's new in 1.2.1
February 10th, 2020

This is a minor technical update:

- Fixed the problem with keybindings

- Fixed mouse scroll

- Mouse events don't register if game window is not focused

- Game window doesn't minimize when loses focus (useful for two-monitor setup)

The game is updated on Steam and Humble. GOG version should be updated soon as well (I did my part).

Please let me know if something's broken (info@hearthlands.com)!

In other news, Elsewhere is up to version 0.0.7:

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What's new in 1.2.0
July 5th, 2019

This is a technical update with no new content. It's been over 5 years already since the development started and over two years since version 1.0.0 was released, so a lot of stuff needed to be brought up to date with technology. This required rewriting a lot of low-level engine stuff, so hopefully nothing's broken.

Also the game is now 64-bit only and the Mac version requires 10.9+.


I want to say that I plan at least one more update this year, but can't really promise that, since there's a lot of stuff going on at the same time for me right now (which is totally my fault).

Please let me know if there are any problems with the latest build (info@hearthlands.com).

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What's new in 1.1.3
December 9th, 2017

Can you believe it?! It's been 3 years now since Hearthlands got greenlit on Steam and about 3.5 years since the development started in May 2014! Working on one big project for this long is hard, but there still are things I'd like to see in the game. I'd like to thank everybody who joined us in this journey and made this dream possible.

There's been a silent update with some changes to the Mac OS build, it seems to be working better now. Also, it comes bundled with JRE.

Russian language added! I used a fan translation by aNNiPAk, Nicodimus, LinXP and kathnox (thank you a lot!), added missing text and a bunch of editing. It still took much longer than I thought though, but it's finally here!

(Click to enlarge)

Items that aren't being accepted are now shown in darker font on the stockpile window.


Tribute values in mission 8 are fixed.

Extra spaces in Spanish translation are fixed.

Saturation option in Settings menu lets you change saturation of in-game objects and terrain (reload the game to apply).


(Click to enlarge)

Peaceful (mostly) victory! You can now build a Wonder, which takes a whole bunch of time and resources to complete, but if you manage to hold it for 10 years, you win the game. Neighboring cities become more aggressive while you're building it (unless they are set to Passive), so you need to make sure your defenses are up.

(Click to enlarge)

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