Status update
August 16th, 2015
This week we continued to work on overall improvements of the game listed below. I'll release an update soon.
- The rare bug with non-returning armies has been fixed (thanks for your save files, I wasn't able to reproduce the bug on my own).
- Most of the windows can now be closed with Esc key.
- New buildings: wooden gatehouse and wooden guard tower. Wooden gatehouse has less HP and requires logs instead of stone and wooden guard tower does 50% less damage than the old one and also does require logs instead of stone.
- Town hall has changed a bit.
(Click to enlarge)
- New NPC building: Abandoned mine with ghosts. Once you've defeated the ghosts you get a random mine (coal, iron or gold one).
- Castle has been implemented. This is the first mega-building which requires a lot of resources (coins, stone, logs and iron) and is being constructed over time (at least a year if you have enough workers and resources). I'm not sure yet what it will do, maybe we'll decide that after others mega-buildings are done.
Different stages of construction:
Castle is almost finished:
(Click to enlarge)
A finished castle:
(Click to enlarge)
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