Farm buildings
May 30th, 2014
Some of the awesome buildings made recently:  Shepherd's lodge, grower's logde, pigstry, mill and aviary.
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May 28th, 2014
There are three types of crops in the game: grain, turnips and apples. Grain can be turned into flour (to make
bread) or fed to chickens (to get eggs and feathers). Turnips can be used as food right away or be fed to pigs (to
get meat and leather). Apples can also be used as food or be turned into cider.
To grow grain or tunips you need to build grain or turnip plots, which will yield once a year. You can build apple trees
as well (saplings need about 9 month to mature), or find "wild" apple trees on the map.
To plant and harvest crops you will need a grower's lodge. One grower (who looks a bit like Chuck Norris) can potentially
maintain all three types of crops, because they can be planted and harvested at different seasons.
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