Status update
May 2nd, 2015
This week I mostly kept working on AI changes and NPC-related stuff, and there's still quite a few things to do.
Goblins have their own randomly generated names, for example:
Warlocks and dragons also have their own naming style (quite hard to read, but I kind of like it):
Kind of like in Majesty sewers (with boggers) spawn near your village as it grows. Boggers can't attack buildings.
New option "Scarce resources" lets you start on a map with little-to-no natural resources.
Units can now attack buildings. Here's an attack on a goblin village:
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Status update
April 24th, 2015
This week we kept working towards the 0.6 update. There are a lot of things which need to be changed or tweaked before I get to implementing monster invasions, for example: new buildings need to be added to map generator, squad units need to be able to attack buildings etc.
Troll's lair and a troll in game:
Troll's special ability is traditionally regeneration.
A new building: watch tower:
Watch towers (and guard towers) let you get some defenses in the early game. Each watch tower stations a few watchmen, which are relatively weak but don't require iron or leather. Watchmen automatically protect an area around the tower and can't be controlled directly. This will also make the learning curve a bit smoother.
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Status update
April 17th, 2015
This week I kept working on NPCs as well as added some new buildings.
Quarries, coal mines, iron mines and gold mines do not require the appropriate resource to be present on the map, but are expensive, use up a lot of workforce and require Mining (a new technology) researched to a certain level.
A stone quarry and a troll's lair:
The troll himself (proper trolls have purple skin):
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I always wanted to make a game in which big skeleton army attacks a village (after watching Army of Darkness presumably). We're getting there.
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Goblin village now has goblins.
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Status update
April 10th, 2015
This week I've started to work on NPC code (for all the new creatures we've been making recently) and tackled new mines (left to right: coal mine, iron mine, gold mine).
These buildings don't need a source of the appropriate mineral, but are slow and expensive.
Closeup of the minecarts:
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Randomly generated goblin villages:
I'm quite happy with the algorithm behind that (although, the ground probably needs more detail). It can generate villages of any size: here's one of 50 huts:
(Click to enlarge)
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What's new in 0.5.3
April 3rd, 2015
Hearthlands 0.5.3 should be available for download either now or very soon! Savegames from 0.5.2 are compatible with 0.5.3. The changes for this version are:
- Invaders now come from the appropriate side of the map, so you may want to protect your city all around. Returning armies also appear on the appropriate side.
- Buildings can now be manually shut down (to save workforce and/or resources). Shutdown barracks will not train troops. To shutdown/startup a building you need to left-click it and then click the lock icon.
- Invader units now have levels (apparently this was broken).
- If someone conquers you, your vassals will no longer break free.
- Rulers AI apparently didn't work as intended, so I fixed it and rebalanced. Also their requests now depend more on what you actually produce.
- Availability of trade routes now depends more on the opinion. Also vassals will gradually make all their trade routes available for their liege.
- Lots of visual fixes and improvements (more tooltips; more clear tooltips; beehives show their radius; pigs, large pigs and piglets look a bit more different etc.).
- "window_borders" option added to config.txt. Set it to "no" if you don't want borders in windowed mode.
- Battle and request success is a bit more predictable.
In other news: a dragon (WIP)!
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